Personalizing Your Sales Process With CRM Integrations


A good sales rep in today’s world is under a lot of pressure to provide a sales process that is adapted to fit the requests of each individual client, to the extent that only one third of their time is actually spent selling.

We are going to look at why clients are demanding a more personal touch and how CRM integration will give clients just what they are looking for.

What is behind the demand for personalization?

The millennial buyer

It’s the largest buying force in the world, in America alone! Millennials have a buying power of $200 billion per year! In the past we relied on TV, magazines and books to attract a buyers attention. Now, 33% of millennials will rely on a blog before they buy anything. The product information must be authentic for the sale to go through.

It pays to personalize

Overall, those companies who adopt a personalized service have higher return on investments, often receiving double digits on the returns in marketing performance and response.

The results of research carried out by Forbes, show that personalized content increases sales opportunities by 20%, Those who chose not to personalize their services may receive 26% less profit than those who do.

Costs to personalize a service are low

Thanks to the range of technology and software now available, to personalize the process is a straightforward task and can include the necessary data and analysis of key features to funnel the sale.

Still, in 2016, 64% of businesses questioned in a study, felt they didn’t have an appropriate solution to personalize the process, despite such high demands for it.

Look for an integrated document management system that will provide content suited to the individual’s needs and situation for each stage of the buying processes.

Why CRMs integration and analytics are crucial

The best way to develop the right content for each client is by getting a birds-eye view of them. Customer data must be shared across all departments, as isolating CRMs and sales systems no longer prove successful.

Sales, marketing and finance can be created and integrated CRMs and the smart data produced will generate influential insights to develop a completely personal process across both sales and marketing. A well-designed CRM will not only do all this, but it will also do it quickly!

For this to be successful, you need to know the right content, time and channel to use so that the customer is paying attention from the first minute. If you integrate your analytics into CRMs, you will be able to separate clients into groups of people with shared aspects.  You can:

  • Find clients who have been neglected in the past
  • Enhance sales content based on the requisites of the group
  • Highlight possible client that will generate high profit
  • Use relevant messages that are generated in personalized campaigns to speed up response rates.
  • Analyze the behavior, content and preferred channel of clients so personalize the sales process.

The idea of using CRM integration to improve your sales process is that you are simplifying the process that manages sales content along every step of the way.