Benefits of Moving to a Digital Evaluation System

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

The business world has a very peculiar relationship with performance evaluation. According to research by Willis Towers Watson, half (45%) of employers say that performance management programs are effective.

This is because we need them. Maintaining employee performance is the key to business success.

How this is done is a problem.

Most companies use old paper systems. And this can have a significant and detrimental impact on your employees, their line managers, and the business. Move to the digital system and you will reap the benefits very quickly.

Effective capture and storage

On paper, opinion is not always accurately summarized. Evidence may be limited or missing. Goals may be ambiguous. Sure, a lot of information will be discussed at the conference, but without the digital system, it is difficult to stick to agreed actions to ensure that every point is immediately recorded.

It is believed that the promise will provide support and encouragement

As noted above, how can we keep promises if the feedback is not properly recorded? With a digital system, you can not only record what you promised (against any goals) but also set review times or alerts to ensure that progress is frequently monitored and commitments are met. This means that good work always results.

Better work environment and greater opportunities

Values ​​are not arbitrary. Employees are more likely to push back, tell where they are struggling and what help they need. With a digital performance management system, you not only store information, but you can compare and analyze other employees’ opinions to identify patterns and trends. What can be a request for better IT equipment in a paper system, if using digital systems, is actually quite demanding. This provides a great case for making change for the benefit of employees.

More frequent communication and evaluation

For some, the annual assessment is the only place where an employee can sit down with a line manager and hear what their performance is. Why? Because paper systems take time to use. But with the digital system, it is possible for line managers to file brief progress updates in real-time and detailed evaluation forms. This gives employees a complete picture of their progress.

Advantages of lining up the managers of the digital performance evaluation system


According to the CEB study, the average manager estimates about 210 hours (about five weeks) each year. It takes a long time to get away from their daily work. The digital system ensures that the information is recorded quickly and that it is possible to add it to a quick update at any time of the year, so it takes minutes to perform for further evaluation. The employee will analyze all the information you need and provide you with the system you are ready to use.


To manage someone effectively you need to gain their trust and follow through on promises and be clear about suggestions and opinions. The digital system, compared to the paper system, gives you complete transparency on what is called a strong working relationship with your team.

It’s hard to respond

Since the digital system allows you to record feedback, progress reports, and other comments on a person’s performance in real-time, you can quickly generate evidence of their behavior. You should also be able to identify the causes of defects or poor performance. This means that when responding negatively, you can present a clear case to them and plan an attack to resolve the issues.