For 35 years, small and medium enterprises have used Quickbooks to provide them with practical accounting solutions. However, a new entrant in the market is stirring the waters a little faster than expected- Microsoft Dynamics 365.
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 represents an improved version of a business management solution that enables companies to improve their financial reporting, streamline the business processes and assists in decision-making. This business management solution offers a scalable and more customer friendly experience in its operation.
Companies can take full advantage of this cloud-based business solutions software to move away from the popular Quickbooks after decades of dominance. Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers some of the best business solutions and interactivity features that are close to none.
For example, scalability was a huge challenge that made bigger companies with multiple users shy off from Quickbooks. Microsoft Dynamics 365 now gives businesses the flexibility for expansion and multiple user experiences. For Quickbooks, multi-user experiences are slow and limited.
Similarly, Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers unrivaled integration of accounting books and Microsoft office applications to improve your data entry and financial reporting solutions. Business clients can take full advantage of this interoperability and convenience that comes with this improvement.
Enhanced security features
Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers businesses an improved layer of security features to ensure that company data or user accounts are cushioned from unauthorized access and data manipulation. Quickbooks’ security features are basic and vulnerable to data manipulation. However, Microsoft Dynamics 365 presents an improved authentication check system and records all user logs.
Improved accessibility
While Quickbooks can only be accessed from the office or a particular computer from which the data is entered or shared, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based financial solution which could be remotely accessed from any location. This enables decision-makers to easily retrieve crucial data, analyze it and take timely decisive actions.
On top of that, Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers business additional features that lack in Quickbooks. Among these features is the ability to operate in different time zones, and that you could use different currencies. Microsoft Dynamics 365 also gives users the experience of real-time financial monitoring.
Microsoft Dynamics can help you move off Quickbooks as it enjoys much more dependability and convenience that merges much of its office applications into one big business. You could also streamline the account payables and receivables. Likewise, you are in a position to manage your business with powerful programs like Workflow which have been proven to improve the productivity of businesses.
Quickbooks strength
Even with the introduction of this new technology, Quickbooks still has a few talking points that Dynamics 365 find insurmountable. For instance, when it comes to payroll and credit card processing, Quickbooks scores better. However, with transactions exceeding 1000 in a month, you may want to enlist the services of Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Clients who may not want to host their data in the cloud may also be particularly unexcited about Microsoft Dynamics 365. However, the level of data and user security exhibited in the new tech is unparalleled.
Affordable financial solutions
For a cost of $40/month, Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers a wide range of features and advantages to the small and medium enterprises. This service also extends to the bigger companies which have, for a long time, lacked the experience of an integrated financial management system.